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Stephanie L. Young
Associate Teaching Professor
W. M. Keck Foundation Endowed Chair in Creative Writing
BA, Whitworth College
MFA, Mills College
Professional Interests
Contemporary poetry, cross-genre and hybrid writing, documentary poetics, performance, lyric essay and memoir, digital and new media, feminist theory, cultural studies, poetry communities and movements
Stephanie Young is a poet, editor, and scholar whose work often hovers at the edge of disciplinary boundaries. She has published five books of poetry and cross-genre writing, most recently Pet Sounds, which won a Lambda Literary Award. Her articles about identity, literary production, and social movements have appeared in The Los Angeles Review of Books, ASAP/J, American Literary History, and Public Books. Her in-progress book with Claire Grossman and Juliana Spahr is a data-driven inquiry into racialized inequities in higher education and literary institutions and how these inequities shape contemporary literary production and distribution.